Minggu, 14 November 2010

Treatment Of Chronic Migraines

What are the symptoms of migraine and chronic causes. Fortunately, there is the treatment of chronic migraines. Here are the cures and treatments.

1. Fruits and vegetables are great for detoxifying your body after a good blood circulation.
2. Good nutrition – foods in the food pyramid to follow to make your immune system healthy. Avoid junk food especially foods that contain nitrates and MSG (monosodium glutamate). These chemicals trigger migraines so it is best to avoid it.
3. Find a quiet place – Find a quiet and pleasant atmosphere will relax your brain and body. Take your time to take away your stress and relax.

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010


It’s really stupid to worry about the past or future. Nobody can change the past. Why worry? Things can go well. Why worry then? Worrying only links with us and reduces our ability to think clearly and planning. It promotes negative thinking. Instead, we need positive affirmations and resolutions.
Once notified, the problem would be much care as possible. Solving problems requires clear thinking and planning. We take care of little things. The worst scenario is not serious enough to worry about. You did your boss angry. You’re still alive. Would you consider submitting your resignation. Disturbing reach your office. The boss calls you. He apologized. It was his fault!